A daughter of a pharmacist and granddaughter who grew up in the drugstore I hate every vaccine there was to have. Measles was the only disease I had. When the first polio vaccine came out I was in line. It hurt more than any shot I ever had - as I remember. Our school made us have the shot. None if us had polio. Those that did and survived are now facing polio like systems. They worked so hard to overcome and survive now the body is suffering the effects.
My great uncle was crippled by polio in the same epidemic that crippled Franklin D. Roosevelt. He walked with braces for the rest of his life. I got the polio vaccine in school and have no 'polio like symptoms'. I don't even know what that is supposed to mean. Polio was and is a killer and crippler of children.
Greetings from Uruguay! I am a working veterinarian. One week ago, I got my seventh Covid shot. Born in the 60's, I survived the childhood diseases. Some of my patients' owners are anti-vac. Bad news, besides cases of long Covid, once disdained ills have returned. Measles, tuberculosis (amongst nurses!), syphilis, varicella, pneumonia, leishmaniasis. A few months ago, I went to spay a bitch and the couple owning her had varicella and were quarantined. Since I already had it, I could enter. Luckily, I live in the countryside. If I must travel to urbanisations, mask. Back home, everything is ditched and I shower. I apologise for the long letter and errors, English is not my first language.
I’m an old/retired pediatrician. That means that I had measles/mumps/rubella, chickenpox, and probably lots of ear infections due to Pneumococus. And then I saw all of those diseases in my patients in the early years of my practice. And I watched children die in front me of pneumococcal and H flu meningitis. And then I cared for the neurologically devastated kids. I am terrified.
A daughter of a pharmacist and granddaughter who grew up in the drugstore I hate every vaccine there was to have. Measles was the only disease I had. When the first polio vaccine came out I was in line. It hurt more than any shot I ever had - as I remember. Our school made us have the shot. None if us had polio. Those that did and survived are now facing polio like systems. They worked so hard to overcome and survive now the body is suffering the effects.
My great uncle was crippled by polio in the same epidemic that crippled Franklin D. Roosevelt. He walked with braces for the rest of his life. I got the polio vaccine in school and have no 'polio like symptoms'. I don't even know what that is supposed to mean. Polio was and is a killer and crippler of children.
Greetings from Uruguay! I am a working veterinarian. One week ago, I got my seventh Covid shot. Born in the 60's, I survived the childhood diseases. Some of my patients' owners are anti-vac. Bad news, besides cases of long Covid, once disdained ills have returned. Measles, tuberculosis (amongst nurses!), syphilis, varicella, pneumonia, leishmaniasis. A few months ago, I went to spay a bitch and the couple owning her had varicella and were quarantined. Since I already had it, I could enter. Luckily, I live in the countryside. If I must travel to urbanisations, mask. Back home, everything is ditched and I shower. I apologise for the long letter and errors, English is not my first language.
I am up to date on immunization, wash my hands and have a good supply of masks. Thank you for your hard work.
I’m an old/retired pediatrician. That means that I had measles/mumps/rubella, chickenpox, and probably lots of ear infections due to Pneumococus. And then I saw all of those diseases in my patients in the early years of my practice. And I watched children die in front me of pneumococcal and H flu meningitis. And then I cared for the neurologically devastated kids. I am terrified.
Immunize, wear a mask, wash your hands, PLEASE.
I still wear a mask every time I go shopping. Covid was just a warning for is to come.
Same here, though I get careless sometimes. I should not be.